Home » La Trappe Quadrupel 33cl

La Trappe Quadrupel 33cl

La Trappe Quadrupel 33cl

La Trape Quadrupel pours a deep, dark copper colour with some live yeast haze and thick, creamy, beige foam. Good head retention and Belgian lace. Aromas of rising bread dough, malt and fruit essences, with notes of dark fruits, raisins and spices, some alcohol, no late hops. Powerful malty sweet flavours with hints of raisins, plums, black currants, molasses, burnt sugar, balanced bitterness. High alcohol by volume percentage which is warming and apparent, but not nearly as hot as you'd expect. Slightly creamy on the palate, sweet with a hint of sour - flavours of marmalade, turkish delight, sultanas, spices. Smooth bottle fermentation. The sparkling carbonation, high attenuation, and hops contribute to a surprisingly dry finish. Some fruitiness lingers in the aftertaste. Truly delicious, among the very best beers

Strength: 10.0% ABV

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