Home » Blavod Black Vodka 70cl

Blavod Black Vodka 70cl

Blavod Black Vodka 70cl

Blavod Black Vodka is made from pure ingredients then triple-distilled and double-filtered. The colour of Blavod Black vodka is changed by adding catechu, a herb found in southern Asia and central and east Africa. Despite being rich in tannin, catechu has no effect on Blavod Black Vodka's flavour, however, some say it makes the vodka a little smoother. Blavod Black Vodka has an intriguing deep garnet or olive black colour. In the mouth a plush entry leads to velvety medium-bodied palate with nice wheat dough and mineral notes. Blavod Black finishes very smoothly with well-balanced, chewy, elements of grain, confectioner's sugar, and spice. Far more than a novelty product, Blavod Black is a very good vodka.

Strength: 40.0% ABV

Only £29.95

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