Home » Chimay Cinq Cents 75cl

Chimay Cinq Cents 75cl

Chimay Cinq Cents 75cl

Chimay Cinq Cents pours a deep yellow gold, slightly hazy colour. Thin threads of bubbles cover the bottom of the glass, contributing to a head of white silk that has staying power and good lace. Agitation will readily bring the head back to life if it fades. Chimay Cinq Cents has aromas of hops, alcohol, and tart citrus in the nose. As the beer warms the alcohol gives way to floral notes, lemongrass, and honey. Taste is light, refreshing, with the flavour of hops coming through at the start and lingering in a clean finish. The alcohol makes its presence felt but doesn't bully you. The promise of the aroma comes through in the interplay of flavors, all of them making a showing but none of them dominating. Chimay Cinq Cents is strong and tasty, the sharpness of the carbonation takes away some of the silkiness of the brew in the mouth, but that's typical of the style.

Strength: 8.0% ABV

Only £6.95

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