Home » Spain Estrella Inedit 33cl

Spain Estrella Inedit 33cl

Spain Estrella Inedit 33cl

Inedit is a pretty traditional Wit Beer with coriander, orange peel, wheat malt, and the one innovation is licorice. As wits go, it's gentle and subtle. Pours a hazy golden straw colour, nice white head that left a solid covering. The aroma is lemon citrus with some creamy cereal and light banana. Like a heff the taste is with lemon, and has toasty grains and banana with a pleasant citrus finish. A creamy smooth mouthfeel yet light, finish bready and a little tangy. Goes down extremely easy and the flavour mix is very appealing, the spicing is soft and floral, pretty high marks for drinkability, It goes well with food as of course many Belgian ales do and have done for centuries.

Strength: 4.8% ABV

Only £2.45