Home » La Trappe Blonde 33cl

La Trappe Blonde 33cl

La Trappe Blonde 33cl

La Trappe Blonde pours a clear golden yellow colour, effervescent with an inch thick white head quickly fading into a floating island of film with bubbly rim around the glass periphery. Sweet malt aroma with perfumy-honeyish alcohol. Overall the aroma dept is lightly sweet with slight sugary character. Flavours follow the aromas: Light malty sweetness with moderately dry finish and light alcoholic aftertaste offering the balance to the sweet malt. Although exhibited in both aroma & flavour profile, the alcohol is never ubiquitous and positively adds to the sensory qualities. Light to medium bodied beer is prickly on the palate. A very clean brew with malty-alcoholic character for unpretentious drinker but still so much better than Leffe.

Strength: 6.5% ABV

Only £2.95

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