Home » Spain Estrella Daura 33cl
Spain Estrella Daura 33cl
Daura pours a clear blonde to golden colour with a thick rich slow settling head that leaves significant lacing down the glass. The nose is peppery and spicy with a strong maltiness and hints of fruit like apples and white grapes. The flavour is bold with a nicely if not a tad off balanced malt to hop taste. The hops definitely dominate. The malt is strong and fruity but the hops are stronger with maybe some sugary corn syrup and a touch of hops. Mouthfeel is light to medium, Slightly sweet upfront. Sweet grains, mainly. Very crispy. Bready low fermentation-like yeasts. Smooth and light bodied Estrella Damm Daura finishes crisp, clean refreshing, dry, and highly drinkable.
Strength: 5.4% ABV
Only £2.75
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