Home » Westmalle Dubbel 33cl

Westmalle Dubbel 33cl

Westmalle Dubbel 33cl

Westmalle Dubbel is a dark beer from the Westmalle brewery. It pours a cloudy brown in colour with an inch-thick velvety head. Very nice aroma of fruity malt, maybe some raisins and a touch of a wooden cask in there. Westmalle Dubbel has a full body, creamy with plenty of carbonation. A definite alcohol bite, but a very well-balanced flavour of sweetish malt with a lightly bitter hop bite, with phenol and zest. A burnt sugar bitterness is also apparent towards the finish, which itself is long, quite sweet, and malty. While not as complex as their Tripel this is undoubtedly a fine brew

Strength: 7.0% ABV

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